Hey Guys, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but some jerk-off was given the dealer pricing password (by a dealer) for this section of the website. He started posting links to several price lists on some consumer facing, social media platforms. The only short term solution we've had to stop these posted links access, was to take down the entire online pricing.
Everyone has said "why would a dealer do this" and all I can say is why does anyone choose to specifically do stupid things. Ultimately the explanation doesn't equal a justified choice to be stupid . . .
SO . . . if in the meantime you're needing access to specific price lists, please reach out to either Ben or myself and we can immediately send you what you are looking for.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience! Warren
THE PRESS AGENCY INC. CALGARY ALBERTA CANADA WARREN TELEPHONE: 403-401-4278 EMAIL: [email protected] BEN TELEPHONE: 403-401-2052 EMAIL: [email protected]